Saturday, November 1, 2008

Batman and R..........BATMAN!

Now before you think to yourself, "Nicole has really gone too far with her obsession of dressing her boys alike every chance she gets", we did not intend on having 2 Batmans for Halloween. However, due to a wardrobe malfunction, we ended up with Dawson being Dark Knight batman and Linc was regular Batman.

We had a party at my mom's house with all the cousins. We had homemade chicken noodle soup, rolls and Mummy Dogs. (hotdogs in a blanket that look like mummies, all wrapped up) We had some bubbling witches brew (homemade root beer) to drink and LOTS of candy!

Grandma Debbie bought them these suckers that have a funny mouth on the other side. They were a big hit!

Earlier in the day, we went to Jeff's parents and his grandparents house to trick-or-treat and so they could see the kids in their costumes. Then we went to Dad's work to the party they have there every year. At night, we went to my grandparents house and then my parents. We made quite the rounds- as usual. Jeff's brother Randy and his wife Ashley came over and went trick or treating with us and brought the boys a huge treat! I wonder how long it's going to take us to eat all of that candy. The only things that we tempting to me at all were the full size bag of swedish fish that Ashley brought each of them and the GIANT Butterfinger that one of our neighbors was giving out. Amazingly, the boys really haven't been asking for candy that much today. Maybe they ate too much yesterday!

Lincoln didn't really know or care what was going on last year so it was all new and fun to him. He loved his costume- which is rare for any of the 2 year olds I have been around. He wanted to leave it on all day. I had to take it off to spot clean it after we left Dad's work and he ate a bunch of M & M's on the way home. He LOVED trick-or-treating and would beat Dawson to each door and yell "Trick or Treat"!! He would run and/or skip from house to house. It was the cutest thing ever! I was so sad that I didn't take the video camera.


Unknown said...

Those are the cutest pictures! They look adorable! The one of Jeff and the Batmans-ha-so cute!


Your boys look so darling!! Glad you guys had a great halloween!