We got a call from Grandma today asking us to go mini-golfing. Every time we drive past Mulligans, Dawson asks me when we are going to go mini-golfing again. The last time we went, I was carrying baby Lincoln in a Baby Bjorn carrier. So it was time. We decided to do the Haunted House course, being 2 days before Halloween and all.
Grandma and grandpa had to show us all the correct form and golf etiquette. I am pretty sure we failed at the etiquette part. Grandma and Grandpa were thrown off a bit with the little putters. They are both excellent golfers and they are used to the real putters and so me and Dawson had the advantage. We have only practiced with the mini golf ones! :) (well recently anyways) It's a good thing we weren't keeping score or else we might have made them feel bad. That might fall into the "grandparent abuse" category and we all know how serious those consequences are!!!
I was a PERFECT autumn day and great for mini-golf. We all enjoyed being outside in the beautiful weather and spending time doing something fun with grandma and grandpa! It was A LOT better than Stink-e-cheese!!!
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