Thursday, August 21, 2008

Em-an Day/Organize!!!!

So today is our Evan day, or Eman as Lincoln calls him. We get to watch my brother Nate's baby every Thursday. He is 10 months old and is sooooo dang cute! He likes to be held a lot, so we don't get much done on these days, just a lot of playing. :) Before he got here, I was on an organizing/cleaning drawers out/throwing stuff away kick. I feel like every little nook and cranny is so cluttered in this house and it is driving me crazy!! I was working on mybathroom. It is amazing how much lotion and hair products one person can actually have. Seriously! Who needs that much smelly lotion? Anyways, I ended up chucking a lot of it and I feel much better about life now that I can find what I am looking for in my drawers and they are not so messy. Last night it was the "junk drawer" in the kitchen. That was an even bigger nightmare! Why do I keep all of the stuff that gets shoved in there? IT's crazy, but everyone has one! The other place that was driving me crazy was the counter in my laundry room. I have this nice, big counter to fold clothes on and it was completely covered in.... everything! That is the central place where stuff gets put that doesn't have a place. It's normally stuff that I need and want to keep, but don't want it sitting on my kitchen counter where I have to look at it all day. If i put it in the washroom, I can just close the door! But I am happy to report that is pretty much empty except for some towels that need to go back in the camper and some things that I need to give back to other people. I was actually able to fold clothes on it last night!!! Yay me!! Next I am going to conquer the linen closet... if i am feeling really ambitious.


jen said...

Getting something nice and organized is the best feeling in the world. I get weird about it and I keep going back to look at whatever I organized. Thanks for the inspiration! Maybe I'll go organize something.

Randall P said...

and it looks like while you were doing that, someone had a bit too much fun with the stickers.

gpajimbob said...

It totally amazing how all those swell boys look so much like their gpa. Well maybe not really but they sure are hansome!

BreeAnn said...

ah I love getting organized.Yesterday I cleaned out some of Kaili's drawers and it was nice!Karson slept for four hours in a row on Friday night! It was HEAVEN!