Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of 1st Grade

Big man Dawson started 1st grade on Tuesday. It set in that I was the mom of a gradeschooler when I put a check in an envelope for lunch money and put it in his backpack! I remember taking a check for lunch money every week and it doesn't seem like that long ago!!! His teacher's name is Mrs Strain and she seems really nice. He was sooo excited to meet her and to go back to school. He has quite a few of his classmates from last year in his class this year, but informed me he met some new friends on the first day and that he's good at making friends. His teacher last year wrote on his "report card" that he was a good friend to the other kids. To me, that is as important as(if not a little more than) him getting good grades and being a good student. Luckily he does well in both areas. I thought it would be harder to entertain Lincoln all day long, but is actually kind of nice to spend some more 1 on 1 time with Linc and he has done really well with big brother gone. He has learned to play by himself and keep himself busy, which is wonderful!!! And since Lincoln doesn't eat, I don't even have to make lunch for anyone besides myself now! Ha..ha...ha..


jen said...

It is crazy that we have 1st graders. Caleb starts on Monday and I can't wait!

nalgal said...

If first grade makes you feel old, try sending a 6th grader this year. I went to middle school that year and shaved my legs and wore a training bra (not that I needed it but I was worried about the locker room). Yikes!