Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kid Free Day

So yesterday Jeff and I got the opportunity to spend pretty much the whole day together with no kids! We went and got a couples massage at the Santuary Day Spa at the gateway and then we went SCUBA diving (my new obsession). It was so much fun! It reminded us of the 5 years we had alone together before DooDaw came along. We couldn't seem to remember what we did with our time back then. Some ideas we were able to come up with were: going to the gym every day for as long as we wanted... going to movies that didn't have cartoon characters in them... eating a meal at a restaurant without someone crying, screaming, spilling a drink, going to the bathroom 10 times, or trying to run away...., being able to go out of town or on vacation at the drop of a hat without spending 2 weeks packing and getting ready.... buying clothes and halloween costumes for our dogs....sleeping in on weekends....

Of course, all of those things do not even come close to the pure joy and happiness we get from these things: snuggling a sleepy Linc when he is ready for Night Night.... listening to Dawson read US a bedtime story... Lincoln's "spongebob" smile... watching Dawson get a great hit in baseball... waking up to Linc's sweet voice saying "ma-ma" or else "Ni-ic" when I don't answer to a few dozen "mamas"... watching Dawson help Linc with something without me asking him to... watching Lincoln watch Dawson do something with a look that says he thinks his big brother is the coolest person on the WHOLE planet- and then trying to copy him.... and most of all, being able to enjoy all of these things with our best friend as a partner.