Monday, August 25, 2008

Lincoln & Rylee sittin in a tree... K -I -S -S -I -N -G

Yesterday Lincoln and I went over to my friend Jaime's dad's house to play outside in their little pool and enjoy the sunshine. Rylee is about 4 months older than Lincoln, but is way smaller. They do all the same cute things and say the same funny things. They LOVE each other! This fits in just swell with mine and Jaime's plan for them to get married someday. They can play together for hours and usually only fight over a toy a couple of times. :) Jaime's nephew Tank (real name is Braxton, although never used as Tank is more appropriate) was over there too. He was born after Rylee but before Lincoln, so he fits right in too! I Love to watch them play together- I think this age is one of my favorites! As I was watching them, a thought came into my head. It was "what in the world would I do with 2 year old triplets?" The answer is probably: Never be able to leave the house, be doing laundry constantly, get little to no sleep, hire a full time nanny(or 2). As I watched them all play, it made me very tired at the endless amounts of energy they have; and then very much in awe of those moms who have triplets (or more) and live to tell about it!


jen said...

Absolutely adorable! It reminds me of the friendships I had with boys when I was little. So cute!