Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pink Nesquick

How nice is it when your kids can do something for themselves? Pretty nice when they can dress themselves, or make their own bed or brush their own teeth? Well I thought it was nice that Dawson and Lincoln could get themselves snacks if I was busy or in the middle of something. I didn't, however, think about the fact that the Nesquick powder is right by the snacks in the pantry and it might be a little too enticing for a 2 year old to resist getting it out and "decorating" the cofee table and himself with. I also didn't realize that when you get it wet, pink Nesquick turns RED! Thanks to Lincoln I learned something new again today! :)


nalgal said...

Yesterday I found Hayden standing at the toilet looking at its "contents". I think I caught him just in time because I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he heard that poo is soft. Somebody must have told him that and I'm pretty sure he was planning on finding out for sure. That's one of those things that you just take somebody's word on as far as I'm concerned.

Randall P said...

This right here, just made my day!

jen said...

Funny picture! What will we do with our time when we don't have a two year old? I'm impressed that he dresses himself. Keaton is good at undressing himself. My kids don't seem to like clothes.