Monday, October 13, 2008

Toddler Bed and Potty Training time?

Oh how boring would my life be without my sweet little Lincoln? The other night when i went to check on him before i went to bed, this is the scene that I found.... Light on, room totally trashed, and Lincoln crashed out on the floor! Well, Jeff and I thought it was so ADORABLE! Then, last night, this is what Jeff found....

Light off this time, room not as trashed, PANTS and DIAPER OFF, crashed in the rocking chair! This was equally as adorable. However, this morning when Jeff went in to get Lincoln, he was standing at the door, with no pants, no diaper and he had POOPED! Not so adorable! Especially since Jeff did not realize he had pooped until after he picked him up. So, my question is I really have to switch him to the toddler bed like his pediatrician has been telling me to do for over a year since he started to climb out? And.... does the diaper situation mean he is ready for potty training? We got the little potty out a while ago and just put it in the bathroom, but he doesn't really seem that interested in it or going on the big potty either. As far as the bed is concerned, I have been trying to let him stay in his crib as long as humanly possible for 2 main reasons. Number 1- so that he would have a place where he would be confined so that he would keep taking naps and go to sleep good at night, Number 2- because he is my last kid and I want him to be a baby forever. But it is pretty clear that it's time to get the old toddler bed out. I am hoping he will think it is cool and want to sleep in a big boy bed. We'll see how it goes. As far as the potty training is concerned, considering the indendependent little soul that Linc is, I think I am in for a battle. Any tips or suggestions?


Unknown said...

Oh my heck that little naked bum is pretty much the cutest thing ever! Bless him.

jen said...

I'm in the same place with Keaton. He is NOT interested in the potty at all! When I potty trained Caleb & Camden I bought them lots of caffeine free soda & let them drink it all day long with NO diaper on. It was nice weather though so they'd run around naked in the backyard peeing, and I'd make a HUGE deal over them peeing & we'd call Buzz lightyear or Superman (my dad or jason) to tell them how we are learning to pee. It seemed to work. If only they could always pee in the backyard so I didn't have to clean it off the walls. Good luck to ya.